Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Discussion Chapter-11

Discussion Chapter-11

Q Question: What did I learn? What insights did I gain? How has my thinking been changed? What do I think about where I am and what I have learned? What will I do differently in the future? What new role/actions do I plan to try/take? Use examples and anecdotes from your experience to make your point (your own leadership experiences – situations when you were a leader or when you experienced someone else's leadership).

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Solution: Chapter 11 is about the Ethical Leadership and Followership. Leaders and followers are the two sides of the same coin and they both depend on each other in a way that if the strategies of the leaders are not adopted by the followers then it would not be significant at all and if the followers do not have any influence upon which they will plan further to initiate their processes then it would not be possible for them to overcome the challenges. They both exist in somewhat a mutual relationship.